Saturday, September 24, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, we went on a zoo trip with our local NOAH (albinism) group. We got to have a little zookeeper class where the zookeeper had some bones and skins for the kids to feel as well as some small animals.

Afterward, we went to feed the giraffes which is a relatively new thing at the zoo. You walk up to a platform and feed the giraffes lettuce. This was a big hit last time and this time and Helen even got a giraffe kiss on her cheek. Guess she must have looked like a piece of lettuce!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What is your definition of cool?

So, it has been 110 degrees around here for the entire month of August. Officially, it was just announced that we beat Oklahoma for the hottest June to August time period ever on record in the history of the National Weather Service. That information is key to understanding why my daughter, on September 8th, at 2:45 in the afternoon, under sunny skies and a temperature of 85 degrees in wearing her fuzzy winter slippers. Come on people, it's almost chilly down here. Bare legs and fur-lined slippers. Only in Texas.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New look

Well, it's a fact. I can't stop them. They insist on growing up no matter how much I threaten, cajole, or bribe. Daisy has stylish new "big girl" glasses with a more rectangular shape and purple no less. This is proof she's growing, even if it is in millimeters. The opthamologist finally deemed her head too big for her old circle ones. She does indeed look more grown up and ready to head to school. In fact, just today, as she started her third day of school, she looked up at me and said, "Mommy, when we get to the hallway, can you let me go? I know the way. " Bwahhhwahhhwahh. Me (in my head), "I don't know! I'm not ready!" Me (out loud), "Okay." sniff sniff. We made it halfway down the hall before she remembered. Then she looks up at me, "Hey! Wait just a minute." and starts backing up. Indeed, she walked on by herself. I don't get so much as a kiss or hug these days. Thank goodness she has no interest in going past lunchtime- yet.

Three in a Row

Uh, is there nothing newsworthy in this house but missing teeth? Seems like it based on the ole blog these days. I told Helen she was beginning to look like a Jack-o-lantern! Ok, I promise something other than teeth photos next time...