Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Between you and me, we're going to pretend that I am not back-dating every post from here til March. Enough said.

We flew to Belews Creek on Christmas Day this year. We landed in a couple of inches of snow and if we'd been a minute later, might not have made it. We had a very treacherous drive from the airport but the girls were quite excited. Not much snow in Texas and all that... Due to the weather, we missed seeing most of the extended family this year, but the girls had a great time with their cousins. Helen got to go sledding and proved to be a major snow bunny. She trekked back up the hill many, many times (or so I heard, since I could not be less of a snow bunny). Poor Daisy got stuck with me who cajoled and begged non-stop to please go in where it was warm. Pops did build her a "snow monster" with the very dry snow.

Cousin Love

This is Helen's "I'm so pleased with myself I'm hunching over like I'm embarrassed" look.
Baba and Daisy in the NC snow
First snowball
Daisy's "snow monster"
Well, and no trip to Granna's is complete without a swim in the bubble-filled jacuzzi bathtub.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Advent - Day 25

Merry Christmas!!!!
The Abominable Snow Monster
Zhu Zhu
Oh Mario, wherefore art thou Mario?
Well, the last one bears some explaining. After being obsessed for over a year with Winnie the Pooh's Christmas, Daisy's letter to Santa asked for a fly swatter, carrots and a Christmas tree, just like Rabbit wanted. Everyone asked me in horror, "What are you going to do?" I said, "Get her a fly swatter of course!"

Friday, December 24, 2010

Advent - Day 24

Christmas Eve! The kids were bouncing off the walls but fell fast asleep by 8pm. Tomorrow, it looks like we're flying into a white Christmas! But today meant exchanging our family gifts and a child-friendly Christmas Eve service at church.
Daisy's annual "number" ornament
Some Spode and Hello Kitty
Can't forget the Wolfpack!
Baba's 3 pretty girls

Advent - Day 23

Got our PJs on and going to see the neighborhood Christmas lights!

Advent - Day 22

Cookie Decorating Party at home with friends was so fun. Here's a few we're saving for Santa. Meanwhile, the girls played with their friends outside for a couple of hours. No whining, no injuries meant great chatting time for the mommies!
And here's our tree laden with presents!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Advent - Day 20

Ornament Exchange Party

Advent - Day 19

Bubble bath!

Advent - Days 17 and 18

A briefly sick daughter- only one day of fever.
And a little craziness.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Advent - Day 16

Chocolate mice anyone? Copied them from here.
When we took some to our neighbors, I learned from their 12-year-old that they made them in school because this is a Christmas tradition in Rome. Who knew?
And here's Daisy at her preschool Songfest today. The first few songs, she was not singing, but was gyrating round and round with her hips. (Found out later she was pretending to hula hoop. What??) Next, they sat down to sing thank goodness. Then she sang a little. Then she decided that in order to not sit on her dress, it would be best to bunch it up and hold it up around her shoulders. See my pretty pink panties everyone?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Advent - Day 15

Paint your fingernails. Helen opted for alternating orange and purple, but forgot the picture again!

Advent - Day 14

Ghiradelli Peppermint Bark- yum!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Advent- Days 12 and 13

We interrupt this Advent season for some unfortunate bad behavior. Daisy's goose-egg shown below was an accident. The level of compassion shown by her sister was, let's just say, not deserving of any sort of rewards from the Advent calendar.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Advent - Day 11

On this day, we exchanged the first presents of the season with the girl's great friend across the street. Everyone was thrilled to get to open one of those tantalizing boxes beneath the tree.

Helen and Emily both seemed to really appreciate each other's differences and seek out a gift their friend would like even if it's not their own preference. That meant a sequined headband and tote bag for Emily and a "Mind-Blowing Science Kit" for Helen.
Daisy was the happy recipient of some Littlest Pet Shop characters and doll. Gotta love that most of her toys will fit in one tiny shoebox. She's my tiny girl with tiny toys!

Advent - Day 10

Quite a lot of candy was required to make Helen's rainbow Gingerbread House.
On Daisy's, the lack of color is due to the fact that most of them are in her belly!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Advent - Day 9

Day 9 was a trip to Chickfila for their holiday peppermint chocolate chip milkshakes. I forgot to take pictures- oops.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Advent - Day 8

Day 8 found us taking a trip downtown to Macy's to mail the letters to Santa in his special mailbox.

And a brief stop to see the "Snow in the City" setup where a machine blew tiny bubbles that look like snow falling. Oh, what we won't do for snow in southeast Texas!