Sunday, April 18, 2010

Parties and Programs

Daisy's school Easter egg hunt
Got some!
I love the park.
Helen's spring Kindergarten program


I know, I know, Easter is long gone, but here are our pictures nonetheless. At our church, they do not have an ordinary Easter egg hunt. Oh no! They launch (empty) plastic Easter eggs off the roof of the church to the waiting kids below. The kids catch and retrieve until their sacks are full and at the end, they "redeem" their eggs for candy. The Children's Ministry Leader asked a super-sweet 6th grade boy to help Helen since she had trouble seeing and a crush was born. Apparently, he is such a wonderful boy and he was happy to see Helen the next week too.
Look out below!
Easter egg free-for-all
And finally, the family portrait, where Helen helped us all out by deciding she did NOT want her picture taken, hence the glare. It was a nice day though!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Rodeo Rewind

I need to catch up and input some pictures from the rodeo carnival we went to last month. I debated whether or not to take Daisy since she is so small but figured it's a small test run before Disney. First note to self- Daisy must have a nap in order to maintain some self control in the afternoon heat and hubbub. Second note to self- if she ever gets big enough to ride anything, she is quite the daredevil! She loved the little roller coaster and the one that spun around in circles. Helen loved them last year but was a little more tentative this year. Fortunately, at Disney, I think Daisy can ride everything but the big roller coasters with an adult. Poor Daron- things that go high, fast or round and round are not my thing!
Carousel parents!
Me loves me some animals.
Ready to go round and round!
Does Baba fit in this?

Friday, April 2, 2010


The tiny cap and gown is so ridiculous it's cute.
Daisy has "graduated" from Early Childhood Intervention and transitioned to the school district for her services due to the passage of her third birthday. Fortunately, this is very "old hat" to me and not such a big deal other than paperwork, meetings, etc. She qualified for speech therapy due to poor articulation so she started speech on Monday and will go every Monday and Friday until school gets out. I think it will help some frustration on her part at not being able to be understood and they said she mostly qualified because her substitutions were "atypical' i.e. she was substituting sounds as all kids do for ones they can't make, but she isn't substituting the usual sounds. Anyway, I just had to post a picture of her in her cap and gown. I thought it was too funny.