Saturday, September 24, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, we went on a zoo trip with our local NOAH (albinism) group. We got to have a little zookeeper class where the zookeeper had some bones and skins for the kids to feel as well as some small animals.

Afterward, we went to feed the giraffes which is a relatively new thing at the zoo. You walk up to a platform and feed the giraffes lettuce. This was a big hit last time and this time and Helen even got a giraffe kiss on her cheek. Guess she must have looked like a piece of lettuce!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What is your definition of cool?

So, it has been 110 degrees around here for the entire month of August. Officially, it was just announced that we beat Oklahoma for the hottest June to August time period ever on record in the history of the National Weather Service. That information is key to understanding why my daughter, on September 8th, at 2:45 in the afternoon, under sunny skies and a temperature of 85 degrees in wearing her fuzzy winter slippers. Come on people, it's almost chilly down here. Bare legs and fur-lined slippers. Only in Texas.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New look

Well, it's a fact. I can't stop them. They insist on growing up no matter how much I threaten, cajole, or bribe. Daisy has stylish new "big girl" glasses with a more rectangular shape and purple no less. This is proof she's growing, even if it is in millimeters. The opthamologist finally deemed her head too big for her old circle ones. She does indeed look more grown up and ready to head to school. In fact, just today, as she started her third day of school, she looked up at me and said, "Mommy, when we get to the hallway, can you let me go? I know the way. " Bwahhhwahhhwahh. Me (in my head), "I don't know! I'm not ready!" Me (out loud), "Okay." sniff sniff. We made it halfway down the hall before she remembered. Then she looks up at me, "Hey! Wait just a minute." and starts backing up. Indeed, she walked on by herself. I don't get so much as a kiss or hug these days. Thank goodness she has no interest in going past lunchtime- yet.

Three in a Row

Uh, is there nothing newsworthy in this house but missing teeth? Seems like it based on the ole blog these days. I told Helen she was beginning to look like a Jack-o-lantern! Ok, I promise something other than teeth photos next time...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Another tooth

Another tooth has bit the dust (third one now). Helen lost it the day before we went to the dentist. Something about a missing top tooth that is always super cute on a kid. :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

First Lost Tooth

Here is the little snaggle-tooth herself. Helen lost her tooth this morning when eating a banana. In my job as mother, I was required to receive the chewed up banana spit into my hand so I could wade through it and find the missing tooth. Such a glamorous life I lead!

This all occurred en route to visit and feed the horses at the Police Horse barn. Those were some pretty big (and hungry) horses!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Twas the night before a first tooth fell out...

So Helen's bottom front teeth are wiggling. We discovered this at her last dentist visit a few weeks ago. But now one of them is finally wiggling... a lot. This is cause for celebration in our house because Helen has been Desperate with a capital D to lose a tooth. Everyone in her class has lost teeth and even the kindergarteners are starting to lose them before her so there is pride at stake here. She has been very excited- until today. Oh the roller coaster of emotions that surround childhood events. She did not eat today, at all, until dinner. She kept saying she's not hungry and dumb Mama took until tonight to figure out that A). It hurts to eat on a wiggly tooth and B). We are now a little scared about it falling out- in that there might be blood. She finally ate an omelet tonight. But, backtracking a minute, Helen sometimes gets bloody noses. As in blood pouring out the nose at random times. And she freaks out about it. So one minute she is wiggling the tooth frantically back and forth and the next, she is trying to keep it in.

Drama number two is that I am going out of town Saturday morning for 4 days. Now is when I admit that this drama is mine alone. As in, "Please don't lose your tooth while Mommy's gone. I don't want to miss it!" I know, it's sad. I'm pathetic. I am near tears at the thought that Helen will lose her first tooth and I won't be here for it. Cue rational adults to say "There will be many more" "it's just a tooth" "Get over it!"

So to ease everyone's drama, the tooth fairy was busy at her sewing machine tonight making something special for the occasion whether Mama's here or not.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Go Texan

In honor of Go Texan Day, Helen's Girl Scout troop dressed up in their cowgirl finest for their meeting. I thought Helen looks so great and doesn't she just "jump" out of the picture. There's not missing that beautiful girl! This picture was in the local neighborhood newspaper too.