Thursday, January 21, 2010

Latest Happenings

Daisy (with Leslie Blair's pigs)
Me and my (three) kids
Last Little Gym show
As predicted, I have been playing relentlessly with my new computer and like it very much by the way. I have a few ongoing projects with the iPhoto software that I hope will turn out very well. In the interest of full disclosure, I have also become addicted to the TV show "Lost." Since I can start at the beginning and watch the episodes instantly via Netflix, I'm afraid the convenience has a good and bad side- bad being that it is too easy to click a button and then whoops, "where did my last 45 minutes just go?" Secondly, I am rereading the Poisonwood Bible for book club and I cannot put it down.

In the meantime, school has started back well. Helen's class just got a student teacher today and I think that can only be good to have another set of hands in the classroom. She finished up her last season at Little Gym and is now going to a new "big girl" gym even though it is still "preschool" gymnastics. There are no windows in there so that is great for her eyes and I really like her "coach." After last week's onslaught of her usual non-stop talking and antics, he says to me, "You must have a very exciting home life!" I left there thinking that is the most diplomatic phrasing I have ever, EVER heard to describe the full-on exhaustion that is wrought by trying to keep up with her.

Daisy is doing fine. I have decided (today) that I am going to have to let her wet her pants as many times as it takes to decide to go to the potty all the time. She has proven to me that she is capable of staying dry all day- she just doesn't feel like it recently. She is a puzzle fiend of late and has reunited with Pooh, whom she scorned for a while for no apparent reason. He is still not allowed to sleep with her, but she is taking care of him again.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year

I am temporarily too preoccupied to update my blog since I have just bought a new computer. I got an iMac and really like it. It has a nice large screen so Helen loves it too. Of course, there will be some transition to learn how to use it so I am playing around with it when not doing my other things. I have an appointment for Tuesday at the Apple store to get them to transfer my files over, including my pictures, and hopefully the computer side of life will be back to normal and hopefully better.